Solar irrigation

Nepal is facing problem of climate change like early monsoon or later monsoon and it has been affecting regular practice of village. During preparation of this project with local we saw drought even in the monsoon due to the late monsoon. The project will support the livelihood of local communities and…

Solar system for hospital

Dhakdhai is a small village that is seven kilometres far from Bhairahawa. Health hazard here in this locality is so high that the government-run primary health centre is insufficient to cater all the patients. In addition, the health services in the bigger town like, Bhairahawa is quite expensive that everyone…

Earthquake support by solar

Due to the earthquake in 2015 a cooperation between WakaWaka Foundation and Unica was initiated. In mutual effort the victims were brought solar-light which also had the ability to charge radio’s and mobile phones. It brought light but gave the victims also the possibility to keep in touch with the…