Kiratikhola drinking water project

As reported by the World Bank, Nepal is one of the poorest nations in the world with an estimated GDP per capita of US$470. With a staggering 42 percent of the population living below the poverty line and only 27 percent with improved access to sanitation, there are quite a number of issues facing Nepal…

Kafalswora MICS photo 2

Kafalswora Metallic Improved Cooking Stove Project

Kafalswora village is located in a hilly region of Kaski district, quite remote from the hub of Pokhara. The demographic dominance of the villages is Janajatis (primitive ethnic groups), so called ‘higher caste’ (Brahmin, Chhetri) and Dalits (member of the lowest caste) respectively. Kafalswora is the seventeenth village we are working on a Metallic Improved Cooking Stove (MICS) project with NRCS Kaski.